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Air Filtration Company Gets Clean From Brand Purification

and Goes From Sickly to Viral

Business-Derived Value Strategy, Inventory vs. Image, & Translating Medical Jargon Hit with 1 Stone

What one of FixxeL's content strategists concepted for a leading-edge technology-holding air filtration company, providing them with as much marketing 'clarification' as the 99.98% they had already been achieving

*Project shown is based on real business, portrays actual events, and business problems solved, while brand name has been adjusted due to non-disclosure agreements for content in premiering agency portfolio. All content shown produced by current FixxeL personnel with demonstrated successes shown.



PureAir VF had what it took. The technology they leveraged was the bestit was effective from relieving allergic symptoms to purifying the air in schools and hospitals to being one of the only air-filtration systems that could effectively filter out COVID-19. The advanced dietro-hypoimmunized aero-noctonia along the post-bactrium fibers' electrons' path of rotation basically offset the neutralization of the entire molecule, causing it to reverse-decay from the 6th neutrino, thus extending its "physically detectable" mass by associative medium. Wait, I'm picking which credit card I'm going to use. Not exactly the flow customers jibe with. And it didn't stop there. Other than wordly, PureAir VF was experiencing a different kind of congestion: in their warehousing, due to unidentified bottlenecks preventing unit sales, causing deep price reductions that did relieve spatial concerns some, but didn't do justice to themselves nor the great products they had to offer.


Conflict was afoot in a high-end product seeing disproportionately low markdowns and a CEO who wanted to sell at at least face value but faced with it not selling at all - until it went on sale, and a world-class technology being conveyed for what it was which was not what their demographic could understand, and interpret as being beneficial to them. Furthermore, their content widely appeared as what could be tax brackets lower than their actual value. PureAir VF had a filter full of problems—that would be solved with one business-content idea.

The Approach:

Ring of Light Bulbs

Natural Value by Identifying Business Alignment


A promotion that takes the business and plays to its strongsuits naturally, spreads the doing of good deeds, and showcases PureAir VF's value propositions while eliminating the need to continue price drops, replacing it with a narrative that not only did they stand for, but helped elevate their brand to the next level it needed to survive.

Mechanical Engineer's Sketch

Taking the Facts & Finding Opportunities

The Facts:

  • CEO wants them sold at $500/ea.

  • DoP: They'll never sell above $300

  • Overstocked inventory, like storage

  • Currently down to $250 ea.

  • HEPA 14 - 99.98%=hospital-grade

  • Running promos on Amazon & FB

  • Sales move units, but at $150-175 ea.


Translating Medical & Technical Language

PureAir VF had technological reporting, research studies and medical information. The missing factor: A good read with intrigue. Further, in funnel-specific copy based on customers' positions within the business's niche and necessary journey. Sequentially, the customer MUST be: Aware; Educated; Convinced; Converted.

The Idea:

Zero-Cost, Life-long Elevation in Value by Leveraging Already-Existing Facts

Observe column 2. Based on the facts, we can conclude:​

  1. It's a good product. Its 99.98% effectivity is the leading available standard, and the CEO knows it: they back their product.

  2. Being the best quality in its class, these are the air purification systems more often used in schools, hospitals, public wellness places, and for individuals/organisms more sensitive to airborne particles.

  3. No clearing the warehouse if product won't move. No moving the product if product won't sell.

  4. Product isn't selling for a margin.



The Solution: ​​Marketing with an edge: Shoppers didn't want a steeper offer; they wanted the right offer.


And PureAir VF had a lot to offer. They cleaned the world and quality of life for allergy-sufferers, the elderly, people sensitive to pollen and pet dander, those with bronchial and/or other bodily vulnerabilities, and people just trying to live a healthier, better life.

How Our Current Content Specialist Got There
   By crafting one, three-pronged solution.​

1. The Offer: ​​​​Buy 1 PremiumPure by PureAir VF for $499, and PureAir VF will donate another PremiumPure of equal value to the hospital, school, or address of your choice.*





  • The Message it Perpetuates: ​"PureAir VF is a premium company who cares about the people whom we strive to help live better, healthier, lives. Whether a charitable deed for your community or a great gift for a loved one, together we'll promote cleaner life and air—our commitment to you."

  • What the Message Accomplishes: Instead of saying "Sale! It's the Best, But Cheap! (?) Buy now!", the offer instead 1. Is a brand message; 2. Prevents all risk of sounding cheap; 3. Replaces "cheap" with having something to say—with $500-eloquence; and 4. Provides the customer with an additional reason why they should buy.
    5. Spreading the doing of good deeds; and 6. More clean air were additional good reasons of cognizance.


  • What Having The Offer With One Message Accomplishes: 
    A) Prices closer to the valuation the CEO wants.
    B) One sale moves two units for the same $250 they were priced at anyway, but now
    the warehousing & inventory issues are solved.
    C) Presents a good brand image, versus no brand image at all. Since customers are 12% more likely to buy from businesses for a cause vs. not, it also increases purchase likelihood.
    D) Making moves to build PureAir VF improves your position from where you were before.
    E) The offer acts like a stepping stone into the brand you want to be and a segue to your upcoming content revamp into long-term elevation.​​



​2. The Content​

  • Writing and rewriting for your customer - not for your technology.

  • We can now consider brand positioning and valuation potential in redesigning the content and communications strategy to tactfully elevate to the next brand tier.

  • Aligning imagery, all else with new Potential

  • Elevate to the next pricing tier with time to eventually get the business where it wanted to be, and should and could be at, concomitant with content and brand display evolution.

  • Utilizing strategic communications over social media and across channels can execute transition without deterring or losing any current momentum, and even garner sales in campaigns.


3. The Strategy

  • Breaking down the business's customer journey into the "necessary" stages (above, "Sequentially");

  • Making individual campaigns to target each stage;

  • Aligning campaigns with the Rewriting & the Content for an optimum user experience;

  • Creating fallbacks and auto-contingencies for places with higher likelihood for detachment or exiting funnel ("giving up", losing interest, seeing competitors);

  • Testing: Landing-page A/B to seek out what gets the most/least responses over time and across campaigns.

More Examples:

Copy That!                               Revamp and Rewrite: Before-&-After Short Tech Copy

Tech Copy Before: Explains ​What it Does.


RVF technology neutralizes the biomass deficiency differentiator at Electron 6+, effectively increasing the mass through particalization by applying what's known as Negative Counter Theory​​​​​​​​​ in a synthetically induced electromagnetic field for a 10(3x9.74), or an approximate 99.99%-equivalent (99.98%)* increased chance for transformed-state particle blockade. After various testing, this is confirmed to be the highest effectivity reached yet!​​

Tech Copy After: Explains What What it Does, Does.


RVF technology can enlarge particles, so it becomes like trying to sift out rocks instead of sand. Work smarter, not harder. â€‹â€‹â€‹


The technology is incredible. Rising above the previous-best HEPA 14 standard of 99.5%, our product filters out 99.98%* of airborne particles—the highest figure allowed by modern science. For an in-depth explanation, breeze by our blog to read All About RVF Tech.​

The Process:

Content Overhaul: Rewriting PureAir-VF was Like Taking Caviar and Making it More Digestible.

This would be rolled out in phases so that one could justify the other, the next, and so forth. Each caused movement toward the greater goal of that same brand going from having something to sell to something to say—in a new demeanor and eloquence, still standing next to their asking price, but now, belonging there.​​​​​​​​​​


​These phases were rolled out as summarized below.​​






    Phase 1:  Blog

I audited their blog section, restructured each blog to incorporate customer-based and targeted keywords and SEO best practices, and/or edited or rewrote completely to be available and understood by the average reader within their demographic (at the most generalized level, American middle-aged, middle-class adults), meeting them at their reading level of demographic research (high/post 8th grade). â€‹



    Phases 2-5:  Content-Matching

I tasked myself with aligning their content, risky good-deed-perpetuating, making the CEO happy while still moving inventory, and using many single tactics as stepping stones to boost their business. PureAir VF received not an everyday brand - but a strategic one, and with special thanks to teamwork, an elevated one, with a mission that effectively upscaled their business's value all by justifying a price they were already worth, just not knowing of how to command.​

The Execution:

Medical practices/healthcare & pharma, SaaS, big tech, law firms, & other specialized businesses - We welcome you to Contact Us for marketing services tailored to complex subject matter in order to grow your business effectually.



As demonstrated above, creating hyper-customized strategies, seamless interpretations, and compelling connections between what you do and what the public—and your target audience—understands, FixxeL liaises with grace to grow your company and the fruits of your work.

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