Agencies: “Go with us.”
You: “Why?”
Agencies: “Er, because we’re a better value.”
What is a “better” value, anyway? Companies in general often say this to convince, too. First, we must answer for what “is” “better”. Then, we must answer what they mean by “value”.
At FixxeL, it goes beyond just “bang for your buck.” With us, you get inherent, sustaining—and if it’s done exceptionally (which is what we always strive for)—scalable value and growth. We strive to do this by thoughtfully coalescing the business-to-brand dichotomy in optimum strategic synergy, planting—thus rooting—growth based on certain semi-permanent and/or permanent factors. We consider these our client-partners’ unique business “assets”—not from the marketing vernacular, but assets as they pertain to aspects that we see your business has to gain, give (offer, value propositions), and grow from, as well as possible gaps (maybe I should take live call-outs and answer these on-the-spot, what do you think? Would you attend?). I promise I’m not the one who makes the English semantics confusing (but if you find the guy/gal, let me know). "Programming" such assets and aspects per what this acumen and expertise identifies—or “programmed into” instead of thoughtful guesses and aesthetics—sinks into longer-lasting (or if semi-permanent/permanent, potential lifetime) business value since, as FixxeL’s philosophy entails, our work and strategies are backed by human sciences, reputable research or case studies, facts, and the data.
As this last sentiment abounds in all our work, not stopping at your business's growth, our enthusiasm for statistics, proof, and strategy spans into our creative endeavors, as observed in our Portfolio. Therefore, the high-end consumer quality we deliver on your behalf allows for greater attributable value back to your brand, which can translate into higher business value overall. This growth would occur the longer you have work done by us, thus resulting in higher revenue for you, as demonstrated and in theory.
This is a "secret service" code-named "Ferrari" that on your end, translates into x amount of extra, or not-otherwise, self-generated revenue in value, which requires no extra effort from your end from marketing done well. You'll never see a bill for it, either—that's just the way FixxeL does things. The same as when compared to “agencies” who do charge for high-level strategizing and/or above-and-beyond efforts, or simply don't offer it at all.
So back to “better.” If a FixxeL job done means inherent, sustaining, scalable—how do you know it’s better before you get it/see it/touch it? It’s not an actual car. We actually have an answer, and it’s that you don’t, but also quite adversely that those things that FixxeL delivers and implements in its processes translate into measurables that mechanics and scientists use. Skip this sentence if you don’t like algebra, but when w x B (Business) over s to the P (package-plan variable) plus (d x q x l) x t, or:
(w⋅Bs)(raised P)+(d x q x l) x time, it goes further, wider, and for longer (the latter variable dependent upon the time of work/length of collaboration). w/Wide coverage proportionate to the breadth of Business s/size (coverage scales to s in-Package), when based on truths (facts; expert researchers’ research; data), has d/deeper-running q/quality that as a natural result, lasts t/longer. If that sounds better, it's because it is.
This basically means that with FixxeL, and some “better” companies, you get concrete and practical applications, evidence and/or proof, and the knowledge that a FixxeL job done means deep-running quality, firing on all cylinders, that lasts. Ferrari. Pay for the Toyota. Go with the racecar. Drive it well.
High-quality, integrated value through deeply aligned, true content and brilliant branding – that are inherent, and last over time, are scalable.
Now that's v/value.